Monday, November 06, 2006

Art History Exam.

Other people on their blogs have been talking about their exams so I thought I would do the same… too late to ask for prayer, I sat an Art History exam on Mon (6,11).

It seemed to have gone very well, though I had a few mental blanks. The so called ‘slide test’ comprised of eight PowerPoint images chosen from a list of eighty that I had to study. My fellow students and I had only six minutes in which to right on each.

Hear is a sample.

This, the Altar of Zeus from Pergamum, was the first image. It was here, at the start that I had a mental blank and forgot when it was constructed. I also referred to it as ‘classical’ when in fact it is the perfect example of a Hellenistic construction.

Raphael’s so called ‘School of Athens’ was the third slide. My only hope here is that the teacher assessing understand what I have written. I started of by speaking of it in its relationship to the ‘Disputa’ on the opposite wall and how according to Aquinas Philosophy is the handmade of the greatest of sciences, Theology. I then explained that central to the School of Athens are the figures of Aristotle and Plato in discussion. Plato is point upwards as if he is talking about an ideal world of forms, Aristotle is gesturing to the here and now as if saying ‘yes form and substance do exist but that exist in real thing, in matter’. Thus, what Plato and Aristotle and doing is discussing Metaphysics. One the opposite was we see in the centre the Eucharist in a lunette on an altar. Around It are a bunch of saints and doctors discussing Its nature. After speaking briefly about the quality of the paint and its compostion, I went on to close state “Metaphysics the handmade of Transubstantiation”!

Delacroix’s Liberty leading the people should be denounced as a Masonic plot to usurp a false goddess in the place of true religion. However, under exam conditions, I just spoke about it be a ‘historic painting of the New Order’ and craped an about Romanticism and the use of colour.


Acolytus said...

It just means that the science of metaphysics gives a language and system of human understanding (no matter how inadequate) in which we can talf about the real presence. The tirm 'transubstantiation' is itself of the language of the metaphysician.

T. Peregrinus said...

The altar of Zeus reminds me, from afar, of communist realism.

Acolytus said...

Funny you should say that, it too is very much a cellebration of the power and acheivment of the state.