Monday, November 06, 2006


As my last post that included a picture of a thurible stimulated much discussion I thought I would throw up anothery...

This one is very neo-gothic, note the tracery that gives it a 19th Century Medieval Romanticising quality.

It appears to be a nice size and shape, though larger window spaces are preferred over beauty as good air flow is necessary for good smoke.


Acolytus said...

O no, forgive me for not seeing the resembalence.

Miss Monification said...

Don't lindor balls all look the same but just have different fillings? Apart from the dark and whilte ones naturally... has nothing to do with the price of fish in China but was just commenting...

Acolytus said...

Incense too comes in a variety of delectable flavours.

Maniples come in a variety of liturgical colours while serving the one same purpose, which is...?

Say, Lord Black Adder, have you ever tried to wipe your eyes ore blow your nose on a maniple?

T. Peregrinus said...

I think I have thurible lust, the only acceptable form of last (apart from book lust).

Acolytus said...

Yes, a very sensual thing is the thurible.

Acolytus said...

debased and kinky...