Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Bees Wax truly is for ever!

On that blessed night, that sacred night in which the Church celebrates and makes present the redemption from slaver which is communicated as if light from light in the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, She [the Church] does not neglect to give due praise to the humble bee:

In huius igitur noctis gratia, suscipe, sancte Pater laudis huius sacrificium vespertinum, quod tibi in haec cerei oblatione sollemni, per ministrorum manus de operibus apum, sacrosancta reddit ecclesia.

Therefore on this sacred night, receive, O holy Father, the evening sacrifice of this sacrifice, which thy holy Church by the hands of her ministers presents to thee in the solemn offering of this wax candle made out of the labour of bees.

Sed iam columnae huius praeconia novimus, quam in honorem Dei rutilans ignis accendit. Qui, licet sit divisus in partes, mutuati tamen luminis detrimenta non novit. Alitur enim liquantibus ceris, quas in substantiam pretiosae huius lampadis apis mater eduxit.

And now we know the excellence of this pillar, which the bright fire lights for the honour of God. Which fire, though now divided, suffers no loss from the communication of its light. Because it is fed by the melted wax, which the mother bee wrought for the substance of this precious lamp.

This calls us to remember that the ability to praise God is itself His gift to us. As God created the bees in such a way that they give us wax that we then mould to praise God through its burning, so too did that same Heavenly Father sent His eternal Son to dissipate the darkness and, being accepted as a sweet savour, united us with the celestial lights. That same Christ, that morning star, that star which never sets, which, being returned from hell, shone with brightness on mankind so that it would be truly fitting and just to proclaim with all the affection of our heart and soul, and with the sound of our voice thanks and praise to the invisible God the Father almighty, and his only Son our Lord Jesus Christ.

O truly blessed night, in which heaven is united to earth, and God to man!

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