Wednesday, April 11, 2007

On the praise of Bees Wax.

As mentioned below, in the Easter proclamation (the Exultet) mention of the Paschal Candle triggers an extravagant praise of the bees who produced the necessary wax for its crafting and light emitting function of praise.

It is interesting to note that some Medieval Texts of the Exultet actually contain a long and more theological appraisal of the humble bee. This surprisingly lengthy section refers to a vast array of scholarly and popular lore on the marvellous behaviour of bees. It ends as follows:
O vere beata et mirabilis apis, cuius nec sexum masculi violant, foetus non quassant, nec filii destruunt castitatem. Sicut sancta concepit virgo Maria peperit et virgo permansit.
O truly blessed and wondrous bee, whose sex the males do not dishonor, the bearing of offspring does not violate them, nor do (the bearing of) children destroy their chastity. Just as the holy Virgin Mary conceived and bore a child and yet remained a virgin.

In this we can see that the use of Bees Wax is not just a tradition that exists because of medieval practical techniques. It is not a tradition made redundant by synthetic paraffin. But it is, to the praise of God, I sermon on that Light from Light born of the Virgin Mary.


Miss Monification said...

You are so weird

Acolytus said...

yeah, but is cool, is not?